Life’s Adventures

When was the last time you went on an adventure? Well, my last time was a recent as yesterday, picking my own berries and plants to nourish the body.  Who knew the farm could be so much fun, and a great life experience?  Especially, when the fields are bountiful and yield great crops. 20171007_142051

There were so many delicious apples to lift then pull down.  From the Stayman to the Wine Crisp were such a treat.  Just gazing at the trees understanding that the fruit which it bears needs the proper care also, even if I am picking from it.  Suddenly, I had a ah huh moment, thinking the tree of life.  The tree produces a fruit which helps you and I sustain our lives.

Visiting the farm is not only nourishing and healthy balance for the mind, but it allows you to remove yourself from your everyday affairs, and helps you put things into perspective. While lifting then twisting the apple from the tree; I thought of how wise you must choose your life partner to began a new life.  Not only that, but you must also choose which battles to fight wisely also.  Everything does not deserve your energy and attention.

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The chance to pick your own farm continued to the kale crops which you pick its roots.  This is a rather cool and unique experience considering you can get the crop before the Farmer’s Market.

My most enjoyable moment was picking my own raspberries.  It was the most enjoyable and memorable moment because it was my first time picking raspberries.  I had no prior experience or knowledge on how to pick berries, so in my attempt to use common sense-I just looked at the berries which spoke to my soul.  I didn’t even realize how to remove the berry from the tree branch because it is much different from picking an apple.  I gave the raspberry a few tug and pulls and there the beautiful berry was between my fingers.

My very first raspberry picking!

From that experience, I learned how fragile and delicate a raspberry is before it is packaged for sale at the grocery store.  Because we have a soul, our spirits can sometimes be very fragile and delicate which is why we must safeguard our souls from negativity.


An hour drive for a lifetime value of experience was worth every minute of the adventure at the Larriland Farm, where you pick your own farm.  By the way #GAIL works wonders at the farm, even if you go on a hay ride.

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