Motivation Monday

By: Akerele El

I embrace all aspects of myself and I seek not the approval of others. This is one of the main affirmations I recite every morning and the mantra in which I live by.

As we encounter life experiences we may develop the tendency to base our self worth and satisfaction on how well we please others. If it appears that we have failed at doing so, it’s easy to fall into a low state of self esteem and despondency. After all, it’s easy to believe that rejection is an indication of something that we lack within ourselves. However, after years of missteps, mistakes, victories and immense growth, I find that far from the truth.

What I’ve realized is that what I seek to receive from other people can easily be found within. For example, if I am constantly searching for love, I must first love myself. When I emanate love I recognize and attract the same high vibration energy in another being. It then becomes a healthy and balanced reciprocated exchange. As the old adage states, “be the change that you want to see in the world.”

I’ve also learned to embrace my quirky, high energy, assertive nature. As a young adolescent girl, I, along with many others were taught to hide specific characteristics because they were deemed too loud, too much, and too aggressive. I cannot suppress that which produces an equilibrium state. Too much of anything is not good. I cannot be consistently quiet as a mouse with no back bone and allow people to run over me just because I am to be seen and not heard. That is preposterous. Both ends of the spectrum must merge; utilizing each at its proper appointed time is just what the doctor ordered.

See, at this point in my life I innerstand that I am the captain of my ship. I am the student and teacher. My life is what I make of it. I enjoy what I like, I am who I am. Just as I can say that with all certainty, you can as well. Begin with affirming and accepting yourself wholeheartedly. Say it with me, “I embrace all aspects of myself and I seek not the approval of others.”

The Holistic Wholeness Temple


Life’s Adventures

When was the last time you went on an adventure? Well, my last time was a recent as yesterday, picking my own berries and plants to nourish the body.  Who knew the farm could be so much fun, and a great life experience?  Especially, when the fields are bountiful and yield great crops. 20171007_142051

There were so many delicious apples to lift then pull down.  From the Stayman to the Wine Crisp were such a treat.  Just gazing at the trees understanding that the fruit which it bears needs the proper care also, even if I am picking from it.  Suddenly, I had a ah huh moment, thinking the tree of life.  The tree produces a fruit which helps you and I sustain our lives.

Visiting the farm is not only nourishing and healthy balance for the mind, but it allows you to remove yourself from your everyday affairs, and helps you put things into perspective. While lifting then twisting the apple from the tree; I thought of how wise you must choose your life partner to began a new life.  Not only that, but you must also choose which battles to fight wisely also.  Everything does not deserve your energy and attention.

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The chance to pick your own farm continued to the kale crops which you pick its roots.  This is a rather cool and unique experience considering you can get the crop before the Farmer’s Market.

My most enjoyable moment was picking my own raspberries.  It was the most enjoyable and memorable moment because it was my first time picking raspberries.  I had no prior experience or knowledge on how to pick berries, so in my attempt to use common sense-I just looked at the berries which spoke to my soul.  I didn’t even realize how to remove the berry from the tree branch because it is much different from picking an apple.  I gave the raspberry a few tug and pulls and there the beautiful berry was between my fingers.

My very first raspberry picking!

From that experience, I learned how fragile and delicate a raspberry is before it is packaged for sale at the grocery store.  Because we have a soul, our spirits can sometimes be very fragile and delicate which is why we must safeguard our souls from negativity.


An hour drive for a lifetime value of experience was worth every minute of the adventure at the Larriland Farm, where you pick your own farm.  By the way #GAIL works wonders at the farm, even if you go on a hay ride.

Fresh Produce, Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Starting your day with fresh fruit is a fantastic way to get the vitamins your body needs to function!  So long to the canned pears, peaches, and pineapples, the local farmers markets can now supply your favorite fruit in a fresh style.  For those living in Washington, DC have an exceptionally outstanding variety of options to get fresh produce.  Here is a fresh start, the Ward 8 Farmers Market!

Bring your bags every Saturday from 10 am until 2 pm, and the farmers market is located behind Martin Luther King Elementary School, 3200 6th Street SE (at Alabama Ave)



As a health, wellness and lifestyle online resource service facilitator, it’s only apart of our services to ensure that you have all the proper materials to joining the movement.

The Dietary Guidelines is required under the 1990 National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act which states that every 5 years, the US Department of Health and Human Services and US Department of Agriculture must jointly publish a report containing a nutritional and dietary information and guidelines for the general public.



Before embarking on your GAIL journey, being able to understand some of the terms that assist with the conditioning of your body for the best results is important.  It’s a possibility that you hear calorie counting during some point of the day, or how much sugar and salt, or what about how many nutrients are in that serving?  All of these words and phrases are important and should be factored in when achieving the maximum results for a healthy lifestyle.

Here is a GAIL Guide Cheat sheet to help you understand the terms better along your journey.

GAIL guide

Be the Change You Want to See, GAIL

Only if farming was trendy, and a hot topic during my general education lessons just maybe I would’ve considered being a farmer.  Not to mention that farmer’s market’s are the hottest trend to hit every city in America, no matter how rural the location.

It wasn’t until my college days that I really appreciated gardens and access to fresh produce.  Attending the University of the District of Columbia, the only land-grant institution in the District- I learned the value beyond the Farmer’s Market.

What would you do if you only have two grocery stores in your neighborhood, but you are one out of 74,000 people seek out all the local farmer’s market initiatives, along with finding new innovative ways to reach those in need.  Have you ever considered this, what if the liquor store sold produce?

How Do You Hydrate?

Water! Water! Water! is it really everywhere?  Can we ever run out of water?  Well, the grocery store often runs out of water, once the weatherman announces any storm is approaching.  No matter the supply, the demand is necessary for our survival of life on this planet.  Without water we are subject to die.

With so many brands to choose from, the decisions can be tough for your taste buds.  Before you say, water has no flavor!, once again water has gone through many phases, even adding a little fizzle.  Moreover, the main source water serves in the body is to hydrate you!  The best form of hydration is from spring water, while the best method of relaxation is from thermal springs.  These forms are sold separately from the grocery store isle water.

According the the USGS, a spring is a water resource of an aquifer being filled to the point that the water overflows onto the land surface.  They range in size from intermittent seeps, which flow only after much rain, to huge pools flowing hundreds of millions of gallons daily.  Furthermore, thermal springs are ordinary springs except that the water is warm, and in some places, hot, such as in the bubbling mud springs in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

Whether you go to the grocery store or natural springs water is a need.  I personally like to hydrate by drinking essentia water when I could afford it.  Besides, it has nothing to do with them hitting the like button on my twitter and Instagram accounts, but because I can feel the difference in my body after drinking it.  The first thing I notice is that my skin instantly has a glow! No, this isn’t paid words, this is an honest review.  Smartwater is my second favorite, and when the money is low, I can always count on Deer Park.

Being that water is a key ingredient as it relates to human survival, the price of water can range beyond your monthly water bill.  Honestly, I believe the cost of water varies on location not supply and demand.  Currently most Deer Park water is priced at $1.00 and ranges to $3.00 for specials- this is per bottle- not the entire 6pack, 12pack, or 24 pack.  Smartwater can be a savage on the pockets at times costing average $2.69 at 7eleven, while essentia is $1.39 at the Safeway grocery store.

How do you hydrate?  Leave a comment: